Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Day 1 of the Challenge

The Team in the sea on the West Coast.........

The first day was a hard day for all of us. Not only was it long (15 hours) but the terrain was both spectacular and gruelling. Over 45 miles were covered and at least 20 of those miles we either carried or pushed the bikes. Below are the team's thoughts:

Elliot: A great but challenging ride! an excursion over the handlebars provided some entertainment for the rest of the team! Some franic repairs this morning helped get my bike back in working order, thanks Adam for the wheel and riding the spare bike for today! All in all a good but long day. bring on the next one!

Peter: Very tough for the 1st day ,but what a fantastic ride and one of the best I have done in 6 years of mountain bike riding.

Marc: This looked like a good idea when we read the article in one of the bike mags, 6 or seven days of easy riding through some off the most scenic county in England and after leaving st bees on an easy path life felt good. 15+ hours later and with batterd bikes and bodies we pulled into the camp site. I have been mis'sold!

Adam: Well if anybody was buying this trip Marc would be done for false advertising!! Anyhow first day done a few more to go Pint and football tonight so long as Elliott doesnt' decide to show off his lack of stunt riding skills. Beautiful scenery so far well worth the bum ache and sunburn. Bring on Saturday i cant wait to sit in a chair :).

John: A nice 22mile warm up until we got to the Youth Hostel of Hell!!! If only I'd spent another couple of grand on a ultra light weight bike because I thought a bike was supposed to be built for riding not carrying!! I could have done with a zimmer on that last hill..... the downhill would have been better with lights too! :) Many thanks Marky B for the uphill assistance!
Some fantastic scenery.

Justin: Some hellish up hills followed by spectacular downhills in some of the most spectacular and remote countryside in the UK. So far, so good!

Mark: Never has a campsite been so welcoming even though it was completely dark when we arrrived. That was one tough day.

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